A lovely day, good food, and great company and conversation were all that was needed for a wonderful time. A total of 27 SIR and guests participated.
Our special thanks go to:
Bob Byers - Picnic Committee Chairman, Head Shopper, Head Setup,and Organizer Plus
Phil Thomas - Chicken Chef - Picnic Helper
Lee Wriglesworth - Picnic Helper
Lynn Grilley - Picnic Helper
Dave Riopel - Hors D'oeuvre cook, Picnic Helper
Tom Chatfield - Picnic check-in
Bud Collinson - Garlic Bread Cook
Tom Birley - Assistant Chairman, Beef Chef, Picnic Helper
Thanks, thanks and more thanks to all those who worked so hard to put together yet another wonderful June Picnic at Ortega Park! Members and guests waited patiently in line amid the mouthwatering smoke for our rewards. The meats were delish (just check out the photos) and the sides were the perfect accompaniment. From the appetizers to the desserts the fare was outstanding! Prizes were plentiful (your correspondent took home a great bottle of wine and he never wins anything!). As usual the committee ordered up perfect weather for our feast. But of course, the best part was the camaraderie and fellowship of all. And if you didn't or couldn't make this it this year, put the 3rd Thursday in June in your 2020 calendar right now. Just go ahead and cancel that cruise...you'll be glad you did!
Please contact me with corrections: